High-grade adenocarcinoma of the prostate in a 32-year-old patient


Sobocińska Maria1ORCID,Ustymowicz Konstancja2ORCID


1. Medical University of Bialystok, Poland, Department of General Pathomorphology

2. Medical University of Warsaw, Poland


Introduction: Prostate cancer (PCa) is commonly associated with old age, but it can develop in patients under 40 years old. Furthermore, early occurrence of this cancer is associated with higher mortality and worse prognosis.Case presentation: A 32-year-old patient presented with lower back pain. CT, and MR Imaging tests revealed multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the pelvis and sacral bone remodeling. Later Histopathological and immunohistochemical examination of the lymph nodes revealed granular metastases, suspected of Prostate cancer. After a biopsy of the prostate and additional imaging tests, diagnosis of advanced adenocarcinoma prostate was confirmed. As the lesions were no longer operable, the patient received palliative treatment.Conclusion: Young patients may also suffer from Prostate cancer, so they should not be excluded from the differential diagnosis. Moreover, disseminated cancer lesions may manifest themselves with very non-specific symptoms


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