Yemaya – Królowa Mórz. Przyczynek do analizy sytuacji dziecka w kontakcie z obcością


Sanecka Anna1ORCID


1. Szkoła Głowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego Katedra Socjologii


The article presents an academic reflection on the experiencing and familiarising of strangeness. A theatrical performance for children, Yemaya - Queen of the Seas, is the base for a consideration of dealing with strangeness and the social changes generating such contact. The proposed analysis and interpretation of the play is based on selected philosophical views of Bernhard Waldenfels, Paul Tillich, Roman Ingarden and Zygmunt Bauman. Strangeness and change are topics rarely seen as appropriate for children. However, children experience these issues participating in them in different areas. Importantly - although these processes are taking place here and now, they are directed towards the future. It is today's children who will be living in a different world, in new situations and among people we consider strangers today. So how should we talk to children about familiarising strangeness and the changes that follow? Could art be an effective tool in this communication? From the interpretation of the content of the play, the conclusion about the primacy of ethical issues in dealing with strangeness emerges. It generate the need to draw the children's attention to this important aspect of social coexistence.


Index Copernicus

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