Subjective and objective assessment of voice quality in pregnancy


Kosztyła-Hojna Bożena1,Łobaczuk-Sitnik Anna2,Biszewska Jolanta3,Moskal-Jasińska Diana3


1. Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Zakład Fonoaudiologii Klinicznej i Logopedii

2. Zakład Fonoaudiologii Klinicznej i Logopedii Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku

3. Zakład Fonoaudiologii Klinicznej i Logopedii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku


During pregnancy, voice quality disorders may occur in form of: edema, dryness, nervousness. The aim of the study is subjective and objective evaluation of voice quality in pregnant women. The study included 20 women in the third trimester of pregnancy, age of 20-31 diagnosed at the Department of Clinical Phonoaudiology and Logopedics, Medical University of Bialystok. Subjective assessment has been based on the GRBAS scale. Objective assessment of the vocal organ used the HSDI technique (High Speed Digital Imaging). In the laryngeal visualization, high-speed camera (HS) using rigid endoscope with 90 ° optics has been used. Vibration of vocal folds has been recorded during phonation of vowel "e" at 4000 frames / sec. The glottal closure (GTs), symmetry, regularity and synchronization of vocal folds vibration have been assessed. In estimating the degree of glottal insufficiency, kymography of the larynx has been performed by analyzing the value of Open Quotient (OQ). Objective acoustic evaluation of voice has been also conducted using DiagnoScope Specjalista Program. Hoarseness has been observed in 15 pregnant women, whereas voice fatigability in 20 patients. Using HSDI, the edema of vocal folds in part of the group has been observed. Decreased MPT has been found in all examined women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Hoarseness and fatigability of voice are the most frequent subjective symptoms of voice organ in the third trimester of pregnancy. Decreased MPT is recorded objectively, as well as edema and insufficiency of vocal folds using HSDI technique.


Index Copernicus



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