Social Harmfulness of Authoritarian Political Violence


Pruchniak Józef1ORCID,Długosz Zdzisław2


1. Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku

2. Instytut Badań nad Bezpieczeństwem, Gdynia


In thepolitical authoritarian reality, theuse of theterm “truth” seeks only verifiability for its justification. It will also make it possible to distort human cognitive processes and their political consequences, resulting from its translation into freedom of choice. Therefore, theissue of understanding as thefoundation of thesocial world, which is aderivative of theuniversal species consciousness and thephenomena conditioned by this consciousness, becomes of fundamental importance. Theexperience of science shows that in deliberations on awareness of pregnancy, apopular view is often confused with identity and causality. In theconditions of political violence, it consists in “mixing” consciousness with what is not consciousness, but conditions it, thebest example of which is thestrength of personality. The main goal of thestudy is anattempt to answer and at thesame time present ananalytical view of theproblem of political violence and thepolitical nature of crime. It was assumed that thedominant role in authoritarianism is played by lies and their use is reduced to employing them in theprocess of manipulation, where consciously selected universals derived from theontological understanding of truth are used to shape thedesired social consciousness. In this way, thescientific nature of thestudy is also anelement of social education with theuse of thepopular way of fighting “evil”, enabling its understanding on thebasis of theprinciples of not only criminal and material cognition.


Index Copernicus


General Medicine

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