1. Academy of Applied Sciences - Higher School of Management and Administration in Opole, Poland
The article concerns Polish-Czech research carried out as part of the project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget, We are crossing borders. 'Key competences in teaching and education' project was implemented under the Praděd Microprojects Fund. The descriptive purpose of the research was to prepare a detailed description of the level of competence of the surveyed people and the relationships between the dependent variable and independent variables.The explanatory purpose of the research was to find out why certain independent variables differentiate the respondents' answers.The study used the diagnostic survey method, the survey technique. They were attended by, among others, 49 principals from primary schools from Poland and the Czech Republic. The data analysis was carried out using the statistical program STATISTICA, in which statistical methods related to the study of the statistical significance of differences between variables were used using the Student's T-test for independent samples, to compare the means of two independent samples. Also the chi-square test was used.The results show how the management staff of educational institutions from Poland and the Czech Republic confidently perceive potential solutions to various difficult situations in their institutions and what critical thinking requirements they have for future teachers.