Influence of 65G steel microstructure on crack faces friction factor under mode II fatigue fracture


Ivanytskyj Y.L.1,Lenkovskiy T.M.1,Molkov Y.V.1,Kulyk V.V.2,Duriagina Z.A.3


1. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Naukova St., 5, Lviv 79060, Ukraine

2. Department of Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ustyyanovych str., 5, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine

3. Department of Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ustyyanovych str., 5, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, The Jhon Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland


Purpose: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the dependence of microstructure parameters,strength and plasticity of steel on crack faces friction factor.Design/methodology/approach: The specimens for the investigation were cut out fromthe 10 mm thick hot-rolled plate of 65G steel used as a model material for fatigue anddurability testing of whole-rolled railway wheels. The mechanical characteristics of the steelwere determined according to the state standard using cylindrical specimens of diameter5 mm and effective length 50 mm. The specimens were heat-treated at the mentionedconditions. Fatigue testing under mode II loading was carried out on a special rigid loadingmachine in the standard laboratory conditions at symmetric sinusoidal cycle with a frequencyof 12 Hz in the range of fatigue crack growth rates da/dN = 5∙10-8…5∙10-7 m/cycle untilits reaches relative length l/b ≥ 0.8. The obtained microsections were investigated using theoptical metallographic microscope Neophot 9 equipped with a digital camera Nikon D50 andelectronic scanning microscope Zeiss EVO 40XVP. Hardness of the specimens with differentmicrostructure was determined using durometer TK-2. The crack faces friction factor wasdetermined using original device for fractured surfaces sliding under certain compressionforce realizationFindings: The dependences of microstructure parameters, strength and plasticity of steelon crack faces friction factor are obtained.Research limitations/implications: The investigation of the influence of microstructureparameters, strength and plasticity of real wheel steels on crack faces friction factor at themode II fatigue crack growth will be carried out.Practical implications: The value of crack faces friction factor have strong impact onstress intensity at the crack tip and must be taken into account at crack growth rates curvesplotting.Originality/value: Mode II fatigue crack faces friction factor of steel is firstly experimentallydetermined.


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General Materials Science







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