Fotografia pierwszego stopnia – o niemożliwości powrotu do źródła. Na przykładzie Mercedesa-Benza Pawła Huellego


Osińska Olga1


1. Uniwersytet Warszawski


The article compares two memoirs about family’s histories from 2001: In the Garden of Memory by Joanna Olczak-Ronikier and Mercedes-Benz by Paweł Huelle, in which photographs play an important role: In the Garden of Memory by Joanna Olczak-Ronikier and Mercedes-Benz by Paweł Huelle. While in the former, more old-fashioned family’s biography, the function of photos is to prove the trustworthiness (referentiality) of the narrative, in the latter, which is rather an autofictional novel, reading photos becomes a starting point for blurring non-fiction biography with fictional Dichtung. The aim of the study on Mercedes-Benz’study carried out by the author of this article is to outline the concept of the photography in the first degree. That is also why the mise en abyme and the postmemory are contextually recalled.


University of Warsaw


Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference24 articles.

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4. Barthes Roland, Światło obrazu. Uwagi o fotografii, przeł. Jacek Trznadel, Warszawa: KR 2011.

5. Czechowicz Józef, elegia żalu, w: idem, Ballada z tamtej strony, Warszawa: Droga 1932.







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