Evaluation of stroke patients caregivers burnout and stress coping style situatons


Seda Gün S.1,Altay B.2


1. Tokat Public Hospital, Tokat, Türkiye

2. Faculty of Health Science, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey


Aim: It is a descriptive study aimed at assessing burnoutand stress coping styles of stroke patient caregivers.Materials and Methods: The universe of this studyconstitute the 150 stroke patients who hospitalized inNeurology and Palliative Service from March to August2016 and their caregivers. The data were obtained fromquestionnaires "Patient and Caregiver Promoter Form","Functional Independence Measure (FIM)", "CaregiverStrain Index (CSI1)", "Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI) " and "Coping Styles Inventory (CSI2)" that wereapplied to patients and their caregivers. Data wereevaluated in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences21 (SPSS) package program using arithmetic mean,percentile calculation, T Test, Anova, Mann Whitney UTest, Kruskal Wallis Post Hoc, Correlation Analysismethods.Results:71.3% of caregivers are women and 57.3% arechildren of the patients. It was identified that caregivers'mean emotional exhaustion score was 29.31 8,21,depersonalization was 12.2 4.5, and personalachievement was 18.68 4.03. It has been determinedthat caregivers use the most; self-confident approach(13,933,45), helpless approach(13,464,26) andoptimistic approach (11,162,36) sub-dimensions tocope with stress. There was a negative relationshipbetween emotional exhaustion and self-confidentapproach, optimistic approach and applying for socialsupport, a positive relationship between desensitizationand helpless approach, and a negative relationshipbetween personal success and a self-confident andoptimistic approach.Conclusions: It was determined that as the levels ofemotional exhaustion of caregivers increased, the ratesof using effective coping methods with stress decreased,as the level of desensitization increased, the rates ofusing desperate approach increased and as the level ofpersonal success increased, the rates of using safe andoptimistic approach sub-dimensions significantlydecreased.


Index Copernicus


General Medicine

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