1. Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Men's health behaviors and care for health are getting more explored, due to adverse statistics on morbidity, mortality and chronic diseases for this group. Men generally assess their health well, declare that they care about it, and yet, what more often they fall ill, which they could avoid by following the principles of a healthy lifestyle, including, above all, rational nutrition and physical activity. This article presents data from direct interviews with 51 men, which show that they have a lot of knowledge about health and care for it, but unfortunately it does not always transform into their health behaviors. Men are happy to talk about their health and show interest in this subject, which allows to conclude that a properly planned health education program for them would bring the desired effects in the form of greater health care.
Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute
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1 articles.