Pregraduate and postgraduate education of laboratory diagnosticians in Poland


Owczarek Henryk1,Mrózek Aneta2,Nahaczewska Wiesława1ORCID,Bil-Lula Iwona1


1. Zakład Chemii Klinicznej i Hematologii Laboratoryjnej, Katedra Analityki Medycznej, Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu im. Piastów Śląskich, Wrocław, Polska

2. 2City Hall of Sint-Niklaas, Sint-Niklaas, Belgia


Laboratory medicine is an interdisciplinary knowledge that uses different scientific disciplines, such as basic science as well as biological, biomedical and clinical science. What’s more, the nomenclature in this field varies: laboratory medicine, laboratory diagnostics, in which several specializations can be distinguished. Laboratory medicine students during pregraduate education should be prepared to have a good foundation to the specialization from given laboratory field. This article describes the laboratory diagnostician education system in Poland on the pregraduate level of Master degree in laboratory medicine and postgraduate education within the specialization program. The article also presents the minimal educational requirements, graduate competencies and law regulations regarding the profession of laboratory diagnostician.


Index Copernicus

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