1. Fire University
2. Provincial Headquarter of the State Fire Service in Lublin
3. District Headquarter of the State Fire Service in Łuków
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the absorbency results of selected sorbents. 6 sorbentswere selected for testing: Ecobark, Eusorb, Lingosorb, Compakt, Zugol and sand. The research wascarried out using three methods: Westinghouse, capillary wicking and our own field method. Thehighest average absorbency values were recorded for the Westinghouse laboratory method. Theresults obtained using the capillary wicking method were approximately 35% lower, and thoseobtained using the field method similar to real conditions constituted approximately 30% of theabsorbency determined by the Westinghouse method. The lowest result was achieved for a testconducted on own training ground, intended to simulate real conditions. The results show realdiscrepancies between the achieved absorbency values of sorbents and the type of method chosen.
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