1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The article describes the problem of excessive tribological wear of a torsional vibration damper built intoa single-disc friction clutch of a truck vehicle. In contrast to the controlled, design-based wear of damper’sfriction rings, i.e., wear whose kinetics are known and predictable, uncontrolled wear at Belleville springcontact surfaces effects in a premature decrease in the damper’s friction torque and, consequently, loss ofdurability. As a result of the analyses and experimental work, the causes of accelerated wear were identified.Sets of springs and friction rings from the 10 used vibration dampers that worked under similar operatingconditions but with different operating periods were used as the basic research material. The influence ofabrasive wear of Belleville springs on their load-deflection characteristic was identified. A comparativeanalysis of the characteristics of the new spring and the used springs is also presented to illustrate changes inthe axial load in the assemblies of the analyzed dampers.
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