1. BARLAK M., WILKOWSKI J., WERNER Z., 2016: Ion implantation changes oftribological and corrosion resistance properties of materials used in wood industry,Annals of Warsaw University of Life Science - SGGW, Forestry and Wood Technology94, 19-27.
2. BARLAK M., WILKOWSKI J., BORUSZEWSKI P., WERNER Z., PAŁUBICKI B.,2017: Changes of functional properties of materials used in wood industry after ionimplantation processes, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Science - SGGW,Forestry and Wood Technology 97, 133-139.
3. BARLAK M., WILKOWSKI J., WERNER Z., 2019a: Modelling of the ionimplantation modification of WC-Co indexable knives for wood machining, Annals ofWarsaw University of Life Science - SGGW, Forestry and Wood Technology 106, 57- 61 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.7737
4. BARLAK M., WILKOWSKI J., WERNER Z., 2019b: Modelling of nitrogenimplantation processes into WC-Co indexable knives for wood-based materialmachining using ion implanters with or without direct ion beam, Annals of WarsawUniversity of Life Science - SGGW, Forestry and Wood Technology 108, 68-78. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0013.7684
5. BARLAK M., WILKOWSKI J., WERNER Z., 2019c: The selected problems of themodelling of the depth profiles of the elements implanted to the tools used in woodmaterial machining, Biuletyn Informacyjny OB-RPPD 3-4, 118-134. DOI:10.32086/biuletyn.2019.5