1. Cicero, Letters to friends, D.R. Shackleton Bailey (ed. and transl.), LOEB Classical Library, London 2001
2. Digest, A. Watson (ed.), University of Pennsylvania Press 1998
3. Lintott A.W., Mattingly H.B., Crawford M.H., Lex repetundarum, (in:) Crawford M. (ed.), The Roman Statutes, London 1996, pp. 39-112
4. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, Institutio oratoria, D.A. Russel (ed.), H.E. Butler (transl.), LOEB Classical Library, London 1921-22
5. Alexander M.C., Repetition of Prosecutio, and the Scope of Prosecutions in the Standing Criminal Courts of the Late Republic, „Classical Antiquity” 1982, issue 1.2, pp. 141-166