Homely yet dissonant. Cultural identity in Leopold Buczkowski’s early novels


Miścicki Wawrzyniec1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński


The article examines the notion of cultural identity in the fi rst three novels by Leopold Buczkowski:Wertepy, Czarny potok (Black Torrent, MiT 1969) and Dorycki krużganek. Although Buczkowski’swriting possesses a strong subversive potential, its disruptiveness is predominantly studiedthrough poetics or historiosophical refl ection. In this article anthropology serves as the main focalpoint to extricate from the setting of the novels a set of certain qualities that disturb the representationalunambiguity of certain topoi, such as national identity or borderland identity. These qualitiesconvey an image of a specifi c cultural formation – Galicia, however, this formation is a by-productof the locality and only constituted via contact with, and opposition to, the hegemonic discourse.Cultural relations defi ne the space of internal familiarity, while remaining „unfamiliar” to an externalobserver, a dissonance in the cultural landscape.


Index Copernicus

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