1. Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Filia w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim
The aim of the research is to approximate ecological safety issues, sustainable development and investment outlays
for environmental protection and water management. The article is a theoretical and empirical review. It has been
prepared using sources from GUS (polish Central Statistical Office). Analysis concern selected years from 2000 -2015.
Investment outlays for environmental protection used by provinces and investor groups concern 2015. The following
research tools were used: review of literature, descriptive and comparative analysis. Investment outlays in environment
protection and water management increased, but their part in investment outlays in the national economy is not too
high. The most of outlays for environmental protection in 2015 was incurred in following provinces: Mazowieckie,
Wielkopolska and Śląskie, while the least in Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Podlaskie. The structure of investor groups
for environmental protection has not changed for several years. The main investors are the companies (whose part in
expenditures in this year was 67%), the next commune (27%), then the budget units (6%).
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Assessment of road transport ecological security impact in Poland;Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces;2022-03-15