
Bieniek-Ciarcińska Monika1


1. Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości; Instytut Nauk Prawnych, Polska Akademia Nauk


Having made a depict of the crime or by other words putting an adverse event on the map is not a new way to fight with the crime. The officers still use old, proven tools that enable them to present both crimes and offenses geographically. In this way, it is possible to identify areas at risk, as well as obtain information aimed at selecting an appropriate strategy of activities for the dislocation of patrol services. With the advancement of technology, also in this case the basic tools have been partially replaced by modern software. An interactive equivalent of pushpins and coloured sticky notes with notes put on a map is the National Map of Security Threats in Poland (hereinafter referred to as KMZB). The purpose of this article is to present a detailed analysis of the issue in question, with particular emphasis on the possibility of its practical application. It was preceded by appropriate considerations, both based on my own scientific research and the prospects of changes that were made over the next few years (from 2016). The issue remains valid in the context of searching for new forms of counteracting crime, and it should certainly follow technical changes that are constantly evolving. Using the analysis of the literature and available Internet sources, including the analysis of legal acts, the KMZB application, also through extensive research of materials obtained from the Police Headquarters, Warsaw Police Headquarters and Provincial Police Headquarters, the focus was on a comprehensive approach to the issue. These activities led to a clear distinction in the field of threat maps – internal secret documents of the Police (so-called patrol assignments) and the KMZB – an online tool available to the entire society. The result of the research effort undertaken is the indication of conclusions and postulates that may in the future contribute to the verification of the effectiveness of the tool by its originators, as well as to its modification with new components or elimination of identified irregularities. The evaluation of the previously developed guidelines for officers and the considerations undertaken regarding possible amendments to the legal basis underlying the KMZB are also crucial. All these activities ultimately have the chance to contribute to the further development of national legislation established to improve security situation in local communities based on new methods and interactive tools, especially in changing circumstances.


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Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Surfaces, Coatings and Films

Reference44 articles.

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