Contemporary noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) prevention


Sułkowski Wiesław1,Owczarek Kalina2,Olszewski Jurek3


1. Instytut Narządów Zmysłów w Kajetanach k/Nadarzyna Dyrektor instytutu: dr hab. med. P.H. Skarżyński

2. Klinika Otolaryngologii, Onkologii Laryngologicznej, Audiologii i Foniatrii II Katedra Otolaryngologii UM w Łodzi Kierownik katedry i kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. J. Olszewski

3. Klinika Otolaryngologii i Onkologii Laryngologicznej II Katedry Otolaryngologii UM w Łodzi Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. J. Olszewski


Hearing impairment caused by noise, traditionally called – depending on the duration of exposure - acute or chronic acoustic trauma, includes, in addition to presbyacusis, the most common adult population of hearing impaired. In Poland - according to the report of the Central Statistical Office (GUS, 2011), the number of workers employed in NDN exceeded the noise level (85 dB) is about 200 thousand, the highest in the mining, metal and metal products production, textiles and wood production. According to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of on June 30, 2009, on the list of occupational diseases (Journal of Laws No. 132, item 1115), it is defined as "bilateral permanent hearing loss of the cochlear or sensory-nerve type, expressed as an increase in hearing threshold of at least 45 dB in the ear better heard, calculated as an arithmetic mean for frequencies 1,2 and 3 kHz. Hearing impairments also occur in the military and police during field training and in combat where the source of acoustic injuries are firearms and pulse-inducing explosions (as in some industries) with high C peak levels (Lc peak) Time to rise to a maximum of <1 ms. The prevalence of loud music listening, particularly by personal stereo players, is also affecting children and adolescents with audiometric hearing loss, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates of around 15-20%. The preventive action strategy is defined by the European Union legislation and the national implementing legislation that reduces or eliminates the risk and reduces (if not eliminated), taking into account available technical and organizational solutions to minimize the risk of hearing damage. If you can not reduce the noise levels with technical and organizational methods, you need individual hearing protectors. Ear protectors may be equipped with electronic systems with active noise reduction (which can improve low and medium frequency performance), adjustable attenuation (improves speech intelligibility and perception of warning signals), and wireless communication for verbal communication.


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