1. Southern Philippines Agri-Business, and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology, Philippines
2. Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology, Philippines
This study determined the level of social support and victimization among young adults in Ba-rangay Mana, Malita, Davao Occidental. It employed a descriptive-correlational research design with complete enumeration to determine the relationship between the level of social support and victimization, and the domains of social support that negatively influenced victimization among young adults with aid of a survey questionnaire. Thirty (30) young adults from different sitios in Barangay Mana, Malita, and Davao Occidental were included in the study that has reported incidences of victimization (ages between 18 to 24). The Mean, Spearman’s Rank-Order Corre-lation Analysis, and Step-Wise Multiple Regression Analysis were the statistical tools used in the study to analyze the data. There was a significant relationship found between social support and victimization. Among the four (4) predictors, only self-esteem was found to significantly influence victimization. Thus, there is a need to strengthen self-esteem to reduce incidences of victimization.
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