Функції пасивних конструкцій в українській та німецькій мовах


Cymbalista Lidia1


1. Przykarpacki Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Wasyla Stefanyka Katedra Językoznawstwa Ogólnego i Germanistyki


The article deals with passive constructions in Ukrainian and German languages, their manifestation in formal syntactic and semantic structures of a sentence, researches approaches to determining the place and functions of the passive voice in texts; provides contrastive analysis of clausal topic assignment, impersonalization and detransitivation in passive constructions of various types as exemplifi ed by the material of modern fi ction. The article also describes and illustrates reasons behind an agent defocusing, proves that agent reduction and detransitivation are common features for both languages. Although clausal topic assignment is considered to be the most important function of passive voice in German, its role in Ukrainian is rather dull in comparison, which is in part caused by diff erent syntactic organization of languages under research.


University of Warsaw

Reference18 articles.

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