1. Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the NAES of Ukraine
The article aims to analyze the issue of administering and performing online research, determine its pros and cons and establish the factors impacting it and its necessity. It is built on a methodo-logical approach that uses online data and online research methods, which includes a review of open-access articles, whose analysis is provided in the literature review part, as well as the results of the author’s online research.The data presented suggests that wider access to the Internet is becoming more common, and its importance is increasing. Research is more and more using this environment for investigating various issues. Ukraine is experiencing a rise in the relevance of online research due to the re-strictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law.The author of the article initiated the online discussion to ascertain the opinion of Ukrainian re-searchers and academicians about the possibility of conducting online research, its benefits and drawbacks, the accuracy of the results obtained and the appropriateness of the Internet as a tool for scientific investigation. The target audience comprises researchers from the National Academy of Educational Sciences (NAES) of Ukraine and university teachers, aged between 25 to 65 and over, with differing academic degrees and research experience.
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