Laryngeal High-Speed Videoendoscopy with Laser Illumination: A Preliminary Report


Malinowski Jakub1,Niebudek-Bogusz Ewa1,Just Marcin2,Morawska Joanna1,Racino Anna2,Hoffman Joanna1,Barańska Magda1,Kowalczyk Magdalena Marianna1,Pietruszewska Wioletta1


1. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Oncology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

2. Diagnova Technologies, Wroclaw Technology Park, Wroclaw, Poland


<br><b>Introduction:</b> Advances in computer image analysis have enabled the use of new functional imaging methods in the diagnosis of laryngeal diseases. Particularly interesting techniques of dynamic laryngeal imaging involve High Speed Videoendoscopy (HSV). This still-developed technique allows to overcome the limitations of laryngovideostroboscopy (LVS) and a more detailed analysis of the glottal function based on the image of the actual vibrations of the vocal folds. It also enables the determination of objective coefficients parameterizing phonatory vibrations of the vocal folds.</br> <br><b>Aim:</b> The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the use of a high-speed videoendoscopy set with laser illumination for the diagnosis of glottic pathology in ENT practice.</br> <br><b>Material and methods:</b> The study included 40 patients who underwent LVS followed by HSV. The modern HSV examination kit – Advanced Larynx Imager System (ALIS), used for the first time in a clinical setting in Poland, is characterized by significantly improved, compared to the previously used high-speed cameras, operational parameters – a light head, the possibility of continuous lighting operation without excessive heating of the head tip, registration of the image in full color scale. Thanks to such modernization, the safety and course of the examination do not differ from laryngoscopy conducted with commonly used recorders. The device owes some of these improvements to a laser illuminator which was used for the first time as the main light source in a high-speed camera. In the study, two cases were selected to present the results of HSV and the analysis of the generated kymograms – a woman with no glottic pathology and a man with a polyp of the right vocal fold. In the first case, the HSV examination compared with the LVS revealed a discrete glottis functional disorder in the form of a tendency to hyperphonation. The patient with an organic lesion had a clearly visible irregularity of vocal fold vibrations, which also allowed to trace mucosal wave disturbances related to its reflection from the pathological structure of the glottis and the formation of a return wave, both on the fold affected by the lesion and, to a lesser extent, contralaterally. The glottic dysfunctions observed in the studied patients were confirmed in the generated kymograms and the graphs of the glottal width waveform (GWW), as well as in the parameters calculated on their basis, assessing the frequency and amplitude of phonatory vibrations.</br> <br><b>Conclusions:</b> The use of high-speed videoendoscopy allows for a much more accurate assessment of the phonatory function of the glottis than in laryngovideostroboscopy. The presented HSV system allows for obtaining high quality kinematic images of the larynx, color fidelity, and contrast. The use of this technology in laryngological practice enables precise structural and functional assessment of the glottis and detection of discrete phonation disorders that elude the techniques used so far.</br>


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