1. Zakład Diagnostyki Chorób Neurozwyrodnieniowych, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Alzheimers disease is the most frequent cause of dementia in the world. It is characterizedby extracellular aggregation of senile plaques, intracellular neurofibrillary tangles and loss ofneurons. Although it has been described over 100 years ago, the exact cause of disease remainsunknown, as well as the effective treatment. It is essential to detect this disease as soon aspossible so that optimal treatment, that slows the progression of disease, can be implemented.Biomarkers hold promise, as their presence in cerebrospinal fluid is detected years beforeclinical symptoms occurred. The key biomarkers are: amyloid proteins A1-42, A1-40, tauprotein (t-tau, total tau) and phosphorylated tau protein (p-tau, phosphorylated tau 181).
Reference54 articles.
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