The Role of Scientific Journals in Knowledge Transfer in Tourism


Alejziak Wiesław1,Liszewski Stanisław2


1. Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie, Wydział Turystyki i Rekreacji, Katedra Polityki Turystycznej, Zakład Ekonomii i Zarządzania

2. Uniwersytet Łódzki


Purpose. The primary aim of the paper is an analysis of the role of scientific journals in knowledge transfer in the sphere of tourism and an attempt at an identification of their challenges enhanced by changes taking place in the areas of science and knowledge management, as well as in tourism market trends. Method. In the first part of the paper, descriptive methods were used, based on historical and literature studies, as well as analyses of journal rankings (based on JCR and SCOPUS databases) and other indexes of parametric evaluation of research activity. The second part of the paper presents the results of empirical studies carried out in the form of an opinion survey distributed among current and former editors-in-chief and members of scientific councils of 28 leading Polish and international tourism journals. It should be pointed out here that the paper discusses only initial results as the study is ultimately expected to embrace as many as 50 international and 15 Polish journals. Since the study is still in progress (its completion is scheduled for late 2017), in its empirical part the present paper is based on the opinions of 43 respondents who conveyed their responses before 31st October 2016, which was a deadline for the first phase of the study (36.4% of the total number of 118 respondents asked for opinions). Findings. The study indicated that despite the fact that tourism journals fulfill similar functions as the journals representing other disciplines of science, the processes of knowledge transfer in relation to most forms of the transfer distinguished in the study are assessed as worse in the case of tourism journals, especially in comparison to the journals of natural sciences and technology. It occurred, however, that among 10 distinct forms of knowledge transfer, there are also some evaluated similarly in the case of tourism journals and journals representing other disciplines (e.g. transfer between branches), and even one assessed better in the case of tourism journals (i.e. transfer between editors). Recently tourism journals have been subject to serious modifications (in relation to both the aims and ways of their functioning), which is predominantly caused by all sorts of IT-enhanced changes in the sphere of widely understood scientific communications and their role in the system of parametric evaluation of research activity. Study and conclusions limitations. In the empirical part of the paper, only initial results are presented. It should be emphasized here that the findings are based only on subjective opinions of respondents, which requires some reservations in their interpretation and cautiousness in drawing definitive conclusions. The study revealed the whole amount of difficulties that should be taken under consideration in analyzing such issues, especially in terms of objectivization and quantification of opinions. Practical implications. The paper may prove interesting to various individuals or institutions engaged not only in “producing” knowledge (researchers or research and development centers) or popularizing knowledge (publishers), but also in practical applications of knowledge (tourism branch). Also editorial boards of journals, especially the ones aspiring to the category of leading journals in the sphere of tourism studies, should find the research findings particularly interesting. Research originality. Among all the studies on knowledge transfer in tourism, most probably this is first such work in Poland that resorts to such a great number and variety of opinions received from editors-in-chief and members of scientific boards of tourism journals. Type of paper. The paper features both theoretical considerations and a presentation of original empirical studies.


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