1. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Social capital is one of the most important factors influencing the development level. In the case of rural areas, it is important to determine its level in farms, because they are key factors influencing the development of these areas. The literature review shows that there are not many studies devoted to this subject from the perspective of smallholders in new member states of the European Union. Therefore, the objective of this article is to determine the social capital of small farmers in three selected countries of the European Union, i.e., Poland, Romania and Lithuania. Our study fills a research gap and provides a basis for further research. To achieve the aim of the study, the method of direct interviews with the owners of small farms in Poland, Lithuania, and Romania (20 farms from each country) was used. The interviews were conducted in 2020. The research shows that the participation of small farmers from Poland, Romania and Lithuania in social activities is low and at a comparable level in each of these countries. The main reason for the low participation of farmers in social activities is the workload. However, the social aspect of the impact of small farms cannot only be narrowed down to direct involvement in social life. It manifests itself primarily in the social functions performed by these farms, that is, cultivating customs, building social ties, reducing depopulation and increasing the vitality of the countryside.
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