
Posmyk Andrzej1ORCID,Iwaniak Aleksander2ORCID,Adamus Maksymilian3,Goczoł Karol3


1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Material Engineering

3. Students participating in PBL.


The article describes the need to collect and analyse data on stereological features of car tire and brakesystem friction material wear products, as required under new European Union regulations and by the projectto expand the existing T–01M tester with a separation chamber and equipment enabling their capture. Thestructure of the chamber is described and the conditions for measuring the average diameter of particlesemitted by the tested contacts are presented. The basic task of the additional chamber is to separate thesurroundings of the tested friction node from environmental influences and to enable the capture of wearproducts to measure stereological features and analyse their chemical composition. A unidirectional filteredair flow towards the friction node is provided in the separation chamber in order to limit the deposition of wearproducts on the tester components. Mounting the separation chamber does not require any interference in thestructure of the T–01M tester, because it is mounted on a sealed base frame screwed to the station plate. Thechamber is equipped with holders for mounting a replaceable filter at the air inlet and a removable cycloneparticles separator with a container for wear debris collected.


Index Copernicus

Reference14 articles.

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2. Air quality in Europe – 2020 Report 09.European Environment Agency, Luxemburg 2020.

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4. Posmyk A., Myalski J.: Composite material with cast iron matrix designed for brake systems of technicalmeans of transport. Tribologia 3/2022, pp. 79–86.

5. Popp D.: Euro 7: MEPs back new rules to reduce road transport emissions. Press Releases, Committeeon the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Brussels 12-10-2023.








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