1. Angus RB (1969) Revisional notes on Helophorus F. (Col., Hydrophilidae) 1- General introduction and some species resembling H. minutus F. Entomologist’s Mon. Mag. 105: 1-24
2. Angus RB (1970a) A revision of the beetles of the genus Helophorus F. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), subgenera Orphelophorus d’Orchymont, Gephelophorus Sharp and Meghelophorus Kuwert. Acta Zool. Fenn.129: 1-62
3. Angus RB (1970b) Revisional studies on east palearctic and some nearctic species of Helophorus F. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Acta. Zool. Hung. 16: 249-290
4. Angus RB (1971a) Revisional notes on Helophorus F. (Col., Hydrophilidae) 2.The complex round H. flavipes F. Entomologist’s Mon. Mag. 106: 129-148
5. Angus RB (1971b) Revisional notes on Helophorus F. (Col., Hydrophilidae) 3. Species resembling H. strigifrons Thoms. and some further notes on species resembling H. minutus F. Entomologist’s Mon. Mag.106: 238-256