Şeker pancarı yaprağı silajına arpa ezmesi, arpa samanı ve buğday kepeği ilavesinin yem değeri, silaj kalitesi ve in vitro organik madde sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkisi


GÜL Sevilay1


1. Tekirdağ Namık kemal Üniversitesi


This study has been carried out to investigate the effects of adding barley paste, barley straw, and wheat bran to sugar beet leaves silages on the nutrient content, silage quality and in vitro organic matter digestibility of the silages. Following the sugar beet harvest, 10% barley paste, barley straw, and wheat bran were added to the sugar beet leaves taken after the sugar beet harvest, and then they were ensiled in 1 liter special glass jars, and four application groups were formed as being control, SBL+BP, SBL+BS, and SBL+WS. Analyzes were carried out in three replications for each silage group. According to the study findings, for the control, SBL+BP, SBL+BS and SBL+WB groups respectively, dry matter at percentages of 18.65%, 23.35%, 21.40%, 21.02%, pH at levels of 4.01, 3.89, 3.94, 3.91, and crude protein at percentages of 11.24%, 12.06%, 7.83%, 11.32% were found. At the end of the study, it was determined that the addition of 10% barley paste to the sugar beet leaves increased the silage dry matter content and fleig score.


Turk Tarim ve Doga Bilimleri Dergisi


Management Science and Operations Research,Mechanical Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology

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