
Reznik E. V.1,Nikitin I. G.1


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Hypertension is one of the key risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Metabolic syndrome (synonyms: syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome) is characterized by increased visceral fat mass, decreased sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin (insulin resistance) and hyperinsulinemia, which cause disorders of carbohydrate, lipid, and purine metabolism. Hypertension is an integral component of the metabolic syndrome. The severity of hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome is higher in comparison with patients without metabolic disorders. In patients with metabolic syndrome, the probability of cardiac and brain damage increases fivefold, kidney damage threefold, and the vessels twofold. The presence of diabetes reduces the likelihood of achieving effective control of blood pressure by 1.4 times, hypercholesterolemia — by 1.5 times, obesity — by 1.7 times. In the presence of any three factors, the effectiveness of treatment is reduced twofold. In this article, approaches to the management of patients with hypertension and metabolic syndrome, aspects of non-drug therapy, target blood pressure levels, and the choice of drugs are presented in accordance with evidence-based medicine and current recommendations.


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General Medicine

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