Nephroprotective effect of novel oral sugar-reducing medicines: glyflosins


Zverev Ya. F.1ORCID,Rykunova A. Ya.2ORCID


1. Altai State Medical University

2. Barnaul Law Institute


The review is devoted to the consideration of the nephroprotective effect and its mechanisms in new hypoglycemic drugs gliflozins, identified in largescale randomized placebo-controlled trials and experimental studies. It was found that inhibition of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) in the proximal tubules of the kidneys when using these drugs not only leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels, a decrease in blood pressure, body weight, and uric acid content in blood plasma but also delays the progression of chronic kidney disease, inhibiting the development of diabetic nephropathy. This beneficial effect is multifactorial. It is caused by the diuretic and natriuretic effects, a decrease in albuminuria, a decrease in glucotoxicity in the cells of the renal tubules, a hemodynamic effect on kidney function, and a direct anti-inflammatory effect. It is discussed why the use of SGLT2 inhibitors restores tubuloglomerular feedback, which is disrupted in the initial period of diabetic nephropathy and leads to hyperfiltration in the remaining nephrons. Information is provided on the restoration of impaired mitochon drial function due to the positive effect of drugs on the ionic composition of renal tubule cells. This greatly contributes to the enhancement of autophagy, the lysosome-mediated pathway of degradation and removal of damaged organelles, and normalizes intracellular homeostasis. The probable mechanism of autophagy enhancement through increased activity of energy deprivation sensors of AMPK and SIRT1 cells is considered. Possible mechanisms of development of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action of SGLT2 inhibitors through inhibition of inflammasome activity are discussed. The question of the possible use of gliflozins in chronic kidney disease, the pathogenesis of which is not associated with diabetes mellitus, is considered.


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