1. Tashkent Pediatric medical institute
This article describes in detail: features of the clinical course of the disease, assessment of quality of life, diagnostic criteria and modern classification of chronic kidney disease. Various pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease is revealed, taking into account the correspondence of the stages of chronic kidney disease to the ICD-10 coding. The article also details the modern methods of antihypertensive therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease, taking into account the latest clinical recommendations. Various modern studies of assessing the quality of life of patients using the SF-36 questionnaire are described, which includes 8 scales, namely: physical functioning (PF), role functioning due to physical condition (RFPC), pain intensity (PI), general health status (GHS), vital activity (VA), social functioning (SF), role functioning due to emotional state (RFES) and mental health (MH).
Non-profit organization Nephrology
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