Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of mine tailings at the Rautuvaara mine site and aspects to environmental conditions and resource potential


Juutinen Mitro, ,Seitsaari Markku,Sarala Pertti, ,


Mining industry generates a significant amount of waste including waste rock and tailings. The disposal of mine tailings has environmental impacts, such as the releasing of heavy metals to surface and underground waters. Therefore, adequate rehabilitation of mining waste storage facilities is essential. Abandoned tailings ponds may contain significant amounts of valuable minerals, including critical raw materials, and offer opportunities as secondary mineral resources. In this study geochemical and mineralogical characterization were made for the diverse mine tailings of the Rautuvaara tailings pond which was the final disposal site for different ore deposits. The samples were collected from two different locations in the tailings pond, preconcentrated and analysed with several methods including PSA, XRD, FE-SEM, EPMA, pXRF, WD-XRF and AAS. The geochemical results indicate substantially elevated Cu, As, Ni and Zn concentrations in the tailings. Mineralogical investigations revealed that the tailings contain valuable minerals such as gold, cobaltite, and W-bearing rutile. The last could be used as an indicator mineral in tailings classification and possibly also in future ore exploration. The study of secondary mineralogy revealed that the most weathered top layers of the tailings show secondary alteration rims on the surfaces of mineral particles, and the enrichment of As and Ni in the Fe- and Mn-oxide minerals.


The Geological Society of Finland









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