1. 1. Holmes, O.W., 1897. Path of the Law, Boston Law School Magazine 1 (4), p. 11. (In English)
2. 2. Golecki, M., 2008. The Coase Theorem and Philosophical Foundations of Law and Economics, 2 Masaryk U.J.L. & Tech. 209, pp. 213-214. (In English)
3. 3. Kronman, T. A., 1993. The Lost Lawyer: Failing Ideals of the Legal Profession, p. 166. (In English)
4. 4. Posner, R., 1975. The Economic Approach to Law, 53 Texas Law Review 758, p. 764. (In English)
5. 5. Organic Law of Georgia on Normative Acts, Article 171. (In Georgian)