In this research, Middle School Mathematics Curriculum and Middle School Mathematics Textbooks were examined in terms of ethnomathematics approach. Answers were sought to the questions of 'how is it related to culture?' within the subject of acquisitions, content (lecture), learning-teaching process (activities) and evaluation (questions) in the books prepared within the scope of the Middle School Mathematics Curriculum implemented in Türkiye. In this study, document analysis -which is a qualitative research method, was conducted. Examples of mathematical tasks suitable for these achievements were examined in the textbooks of all Middle school grades (5-8th grades) published by the Ministry of National Education, which were prepared in accordance with the Mathematics Curriculum (5-8th Grade) published in 2018 and the curriculum. The examinations were made in the context of the relationship between acquisitions, content, learning-teaching process and evaluation with culture. Considering these four titles, only two acquisitions were associated with culture in the Mathematics Middle School Curriculum, which includes a total of 52 acquisitions in the sources examined. When the textbooks are examined in terms of content, activity and evaluation, it is seen that culture is emphasized in subjects such as Numbers and Operations, Geometry and Measurement, Algebra, Data Processing as a field of learning. The emphasis on culture in terms of content and learning-teaching process is equal when examined of these two titles. Association with culture is rare (with 6 question) in the evaluation part.
Institute of Education Sciences, Eskisehir Osmangazi University
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