Tripartite entanglement in a detuned non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator


Guo JunORCID,Tian Jianfeng,Sun HengxinORCID


Abstract Continuous variable multipartite entanglement is an important resource in quantum optics and quantum information. Non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator (NOPO), generally working in a resonant regime, can generate high quality tripartite entanglement. However, the detuning in a real experiment is inevitable and sometimes necessary, for instance, in an optomechanical system. We calculate the tripartite entanglement from a detuned triply quasi-resonant NOPO. Unlike the previous literature using inseparability criterion, we use the positivity of partial transpose, a sufficient and necessary criterion, to characterize the tripartite entanglement with full inseparability generated from a detuned NOPO. We also consider the influence of the pump and signal/idler losses on the tripartite entanglement. The results show that, the tripartite entanglement could exist even with a large detuning of several times cavity linewidth, and may be better for a detuned regime than for the resonant one under some conditions. With a fixed non-zero loss which always exists in a real experiment, an appropriate value of non-zero detuning could lead to the best entanglement. What’s more, unlike the bipartite entanglement, which exists both below and above threshold, the tripartite entanglement only occurs for a nonzero classical amplitude of signal/idler field. The jumping between the tripartite and bipartite entanglement could make the NOPO become a quantum state switch element, which promises a potential application on the multiparty quantum secret sharing.


Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province

Scientific and Technological Innovation Programs of Higher Education Institutions in Shanxi

Shanxi Scholarship Council of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China


IOP Publishing







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