A Hamiltonian in two space dimensions whose kinetic-energy contributions have opposite signs is studied in detail. Solutions of the time-independent Schrödinger equation for fixed energy are superpositions of plane waves, with wavevectors on hyperbolas rather than circles. The local velocity (e.g. in the Madelung representation) is proportional to the kinetic momentum, i.e. local particle velocity, not the more familiar canonical momentum (phase gradient). The patterns of the associated streamlines are different, especially near phase singularities and phase saddles where the kinetic and canonical streamline patterns have opposite indices. Contrasting with the superficially analogous circular smooth solutions of kinetically isotropic Hamiltonians are wave modes that are anisotropic in position and also discontinuous. Pictures illustrating these phenomena are included. The occurrence of familiar concepts in unfamiliar guises could be useful for teaching quantum or wave physics at graduate level.