Nonequilibrium formulation of varying-temperature bit erasure


Whitelam Stephen


Abstract Landauer’s principle states that erasing a bit of information at fixed temperature T costs at least k B T ln 2 units of work. Here we investigate erasure at varying temperature, to which Landauer’s result does not apply. We formulate bit erasure as a stochastic nonequilibrium process involving a compression of configuration space, with physical and logical states associated in a symmetric way. Erasure starts and ends at temperature T, but temperature can otherwise vary with time in an arbitrary way. Defined in this way, erasure is governed by a set of nonequilibrium fluctuation relations that show that varying-temperature erasure can done with less work than k B T ln 2 . As a result, erasure and the complementary process of bit randomization can be combined to form a work-producing engine cycle.


IOP Publishing

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