The heat removal capacity of a flat heat sink was studied using subcooled flow boiling experiments, to address the thermal peaking problem. Based on the Bowring criteria, the boiling curve is divided into a partially developed nucleate boiling regime (PDB) and fully developed nucleate boiling regime (FDB), and the existing heat transfer correlations for each flow regime are evaluated. In the PDB regime, the Baburajan correlation exhibited the highest prediction rate with an average error rate of 10.92%; however, the FDB regime heat transfer correlations exhibited high error rates at very high heat flux conditions. Therefore, the authors developed a new FDB correlation using the artificial intelligence technique by correlating the bubble agitation effect, which is a mechanism of the FDB regime, and then, evaluated the qualification assessment on this basis. The mono-block plasma-facing component with a flat heat sink was found to meet all criteria (except #1.2, shutdown plasma ratcheting), and to succeed in the actual fabrication.
Korea Research Foundation’s Education Human Resource Development Program
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15 articles.