The area of application of Fused filament fabrication (FFF) printing is regularly expanding, and the need for simulation of the geometry and mechanical properties to reduce the experimentation time and cost is a prime objective. In FFF printing, the input CAD model is converted into an STL file and then sliced with some software in a combination of layers, and accordingly, a tool path is generated, guiding the 3D printer to print. Thus, the printed part is not the same as the solid CAD model, but it is a layered solid part with various tool path settings or slicing parameters. This difference between the solid part and the layered replica part can cause errors in the calculations of mechanical properties. All the information related to layers, infill percentage, infill pattern, walls, etc, are stored in the form of various G or M codes in a G code file. The part orientation can also be visualized with the G code file. This G code file is the soft raw material for the FFF printer to execute the printing process. The correct reading and interpretation of the G code file are very essential to understand the 3D printing process from the core. The G code file can be used for multiple applications if the data is correctly extracted from it. This can be used to model the sliced or layered solid parts or to understand the extruder motions. In this work, a MATLAB code is generated to extract the data from the G code file and get the extrusion pattern with various infill patterns and percentages. The code was tested with multiple G code flavors, available in Cura and Slic3r software, and found suitable for all. The extracted data can be used further to model the sliced or layered solid model.