Complex electrical spiking activity in resistive switching nanostructured Au two-terminal devices


Mirigliano M,Decastri D,Pullia A,Dellasega D,Casu A,Falqui AORCID,Milani PORCID


Abstract Networks of nanoscale objects are the subject of increasing interest as resistive switching systems for the fabrication of neuromorphic computing architectures. Nanostructured films of bare gold clusters produced in gas phase with thickness well beyond the electrical percolation threshold, show a non-ohmic electrical behavior and resistive switching, resulting in groups of current spikes with irregular temporal organization. Here we report the systematic characterization of the temporal correlations between single spikes and spiking rate power spectrum of nanostructured Au two-terminal devices consisting of a cluster-assembled film deposited between two planar electrodes. By varying the nanostructured film thickness we fabricated two different classes of devices with high and low initial resistance respectively. We show that the switching dynamics can be described by a power law distribution in low resistance devices whereas a bi-exponential behavior is observed in the high resistance ones. The measured resistance of cluster-assembled films shows a 1 / f α scaling behavior in the range of analyzed frequencies. Our results suggest the possibility of using cluster-assembled Au films as components for neuromorphic systems where a certain degree of stochasticity is required.


IOP Publishing


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science,General Chemistry,Bioengineering

Reference66 articles.







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