Large-scale and tunable transparent displays based on silver nanoparticles metasurface


Chu Bo,Li YanORCID,Qin YihengORCID,Hu Taozheng,Zhong Facheng,Zeng Fanguang,Ding PeiORCID,Shao Li,Du Yinxiao,Tian Shuo,Chen ZhuoORCID


Abstract We report a transparent display based on a metasurface of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs), consisting of a transparent substrate and a layer of Ag NPs deposited by a dielectric film. The Ag NPs metasurface is prepared by a simple and direct annealing process. It presents a deep transmission valley at the wavelength of λ = 468 nm and enables desired transparent display by projecting the monochromatic image onto the metasurface. We also demonstrate that the formed Ag NPs can be approximated as truncated nanospheres, which have obvious directional scattering properties, and can radiate most of the scattered energy into the backward hemisphere with a relatively large angular beamwidth (the full width at half maximum of the scattered intensity) of ∼90°. Therefore, the fabricated displays possess wide viewing angles and high brightness characteristics. Additionally, the transmission modes can be red-shifted to the wavelength of λ = 527 nm by controlling the thickness of the deposited dielectric film. This approach using traditional thin film deposition and moderate annealing processing techniques enables simple, low-cost, and scalable fabrication in large areas for transparent displays.


Graduate Education Innovation Program fund of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics

Key Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province

China Scholarship Council Government-Sponsored Study-Abroad Program

Natural Science Foundations of Henan Province

Program for Innovative Research Team (in Science and Technology) in University of Henan Province

Special Plan for Basic Research of Key Scientific Research Projects of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme for University Students


IOP Publishing


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science,General Chemistry,Bioengineering

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