Robust photogalvanic effect, full spin polarization and pure spin current in the BiC photodetector by vacancy and substitution-doping


Fu XiORCID,Lin Jian,He Chaozheng,Liao Wenhu,Guo Jiyuan,Li Xiaowu,Gao Haixia


Abstract The photogalvanic effects (PGEs) in low-dimensional devices have attracted great interests recently. Herein, based on non-equilibrium Green’s function combined with density functional theory, we investigated spin-dependent PGE phenomena in the BiC photodetector with the linearly polarized light and zero bias. Due to the presence of strong spin–orbit interaction (SOI) and C 3v symmetry for the BiC monolayer, the armchair and zigzag BiC photodetectors can produce robust spin-dependent PGEs which possess the cos(2θ) and sin(2θ) relations on the photon energies, respectively. Especially, the pristine armchair and armchair Bi-vacancy BiC photodetectors can produce fully spin polarization, and pure spin current was found in the pristine armchair and zigzag BiC photodetector, respectively. Furthermore, after introducing the Bi-vacancy, C-vacancy, Bi-doping and C-doping respectively, the BiC photodetector can produce higher spin-dependent PGEs for their C s symmetry. Additionally, the behaviors of spin-dependent photoresponse are highly anisotropic which can be tuned by the photon energy. This work suggested great potential applications of the BiC monolayer on PGE-driven photodetectors in low energy-consumption optoelectronics and spintronic devices.


Hunan University of Science and Engineering

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Natural Science Foundation of China

Scientific Research Foundation of the Education Department of Hunan Province

Construct Program of Applied Characteristic Discipline


IOP Publishing


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science,General Chemistry,Bioengineering







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