Mirsayapov Ilizar T.,Shakirov Marat I.
The purpose of the study is to develop a method for calculating the settlement of a combined plate-pile foundation, with taking into account the effect from the repetitive cyclic loads in the process of construction and operation of buildings and structures. Experimental researches on plate-pile foundations were conducted in laboratory tanks and the field in order to find basic laws of such foundations behavior at cyclic loading. A method has been developed for calculating the estimated subsidence of the soil base of slabs-piles, taking into account the complex stress-strain state in the system of “plate grillage-ground between the piles-ground base” under cyclic loading. The improved method for calculating the settlement of plate-pile foundations under the cyclic load action allows to increase reliability, design bearing capacity, reduce the settlement, and as a result to obtain more cost-effective design solutions by saving materials and time during the construction of this type foundations.
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6 articles.