Chelushkin Ilya,Burhanuddinov Albert
The junction of sections on rigid and non-rigid road pavement is a source of severe load. In course of time residual strain causes the formation of subsidence in road surface. This is not significant defect of road pavement but it has a negative impact on driving comfort. This effect reveals itself not only for road pavement damaged by overloading. The unavailability of verification and quality control during work is not considered to be a reason of the problem. It is based on the internal physical processes that occur in the junction of sections on rigid and non-rigid road pavement under wheel loading. The issue under discussion in this article is related to the problem of the formation of non-rigid road pavement subsidence in the junction of sections of rigid and non-rigid road pavement. Subsidence at the junction of the pavement most often occurs in the area of bridge approach. The subsidence of the non-rigid road pavement can later lead to the formation of pits on the road. The reason for the formation at non-rigid road pavement subsidence is irregularities in the procedure, suffusion. It is necessary to consider the degree of impact not only of the amount of load from the wheel, but also its direction.