Polevoy I O,Fiveyskii A M
A review of the studies showed that the existing technologies for tandem gas metal arc welding (GMAW) of butt welds have a number of problems that do not allow to increase productivity while maintaining low heat inputto base material and stability of the welding process. The possible solution of this problem by feeding of additional filler wire (AFW) in between the welding electrodes is researched in this study. Influence of addition of AFW into the arc and into the weld pool for single-arc GMAW on deposition rate and geometric properties of the welds are researched and the main problems of these methods are showed in the study. The effect of addition of AFW on the temperature of weld pool and heat input to base metal and solidification rate of the weld pool are showed in the study too. The main disadvantages of using pulsed welding modes for providing the stability of tandem welding process are described and the addition of AFW in between the welding electrodes for stabilization of trailing arc is justified. It is concluded that the further complex studies of effects of AFW on tandem GMAW are needed.