Zverev E A,Skeeba V Yu,Vakhrushev V,Lobanov D V
This paper presents the research into the finishing treatment of plasma sprayed nickel coatings hardened by high-energy heating with high-frequency currents. We analyzed the coatings surface topography images and profilograms of the after grinding. The coatings were melted at various specific power values and samples traverse speeds relative to the inductor. We also described the different types of surface structural modifications that are formed depending on the melting mode parameters. The research revealed that high-temperature treatment within the efficient range of technological modes results in forming a dense homogeneous structure in the coating with minimal number of pores. The polished surface of such molten coatings has a regular microrelief and a low level of roughness (Ra = 0.305μm). These properties are achieved owing to a significant increase in the structure qualitative properties during the melting process.