Volkov I,Suslov S,Zavivayev N,Bazhenov R,Dolmatova O
The current state of the agricultural sector largely depends on various factors affecting the efficiency of production activities and improving the quality of products. A significant part of Russian farmers lag behind foreign agricultural producers both in terms of automation and mechanization of their production, and in terms of productivity of farm animals and grain crops. This result is explained by the low level of innovation in agricultural production, due to the low financial performance of their activities. Based on these facts, the purpose of the study was to form modern approaches to the activation of innovative processes in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. On the basis of official statistical data, the results of scientific research, data from leading publications on the subject under study, the paper used statistical and economic, monographic and computational and constructive method of scientific research. As a result of the research, the methodology for assessing budgetary efficiency has been improved. The necessity of creating a system of availability of new information on existing innovations to each agricultural producer regardless of the size and form of ownership is revealed. Initially, it can be presented in the form of public Advisory services operating in each municipal district. The constructive recommendations allowing developing the agrarian sphere more effectively taking into account special features of the Russian economy are presented.