Nechvoglod O V,Pikalov S M
In this study the patterns of anodic oxidation of copper (I) sulfide were considered. It was shown that during the crystallization of copper sulfide, the formation of both the chalcosine (Cu2S) phase and the jarleite (Cu31S16) phase is possible, which is characterized by a deficiency of copper in the crystal lattice and deviation from the stoichiometric composition. The electrochemical oxidation of the sample in a solution of sulfuric acid was carried out. During oxidation, intermediate non-stoichiometric sulfides (Cu1 74S, Cu1.8S) were formed in the following sequence: Cu2S (Cu31S16) → Cu1.81S → Cu1.74S → Cu1.6S → CuS → S + Cu2+. The process was accompanied by the transition of copper cations into solution. As elemental sulfur and copper sulfides accumulated on the reaction surface of the sample and, as a result, the rate of electrochemical oxidation decreased due to the difficulty of the product removal and the reagent supply to the reaction zone.