Khlybov A A,Anosov M S,Ryabov D A
The paper considers the features of damage accumulation during fatigue loading of 12Cr18Ni10Ti steel, in particular at low temperatures. The character of changes in the magnetic and acoustic characteristics, as well as the index of the fractal dimension of microstructures during the accumulation of damage to the metal structure, is studied. The correlation of the considered indicators is shown, which indicates the possibility of using indicators such as the acoustic parameter, magnetic characteristics (Hc/Br ratio, as well as the coercive force Hc) and the fractal dimension of the metal microstructure to assess structural damage, such as in laboratory conditions, and during the operation of individual parts and structural elements in a wide range of low temperatures. The use of the considered indicators in the complex will significantly increase the accuracy of forecasting metal damage and its residual life.