Widjanarko D,Kusumaningtyas R D,Jamari I P
The increasing number of motorized vehicles causes an increase in fuel consumption. Meanwhile, fuel consumption in Indonesia is inversely proportional to the amount of oil production in Indonesia. One of the solution in by using biodiesel from kapok (Ceiba pentendra) seed as a diesel fuel blends. In this research, blends of dexlite (diesel fuel)/Ceiba pentandra biodiesel was studied on the four stroke diesel engine performance. Four different fuel blends (B10, B20, B30 and B40) and B0 (pure dexlite fuel) were prepared for the engine performance test. The engine performance shows that addition of biodiesel to diesel fuel gave lower torque than the dexlite fuel. Biodiesel blends also have lower brake power compared to the dexlite fuel. Among different biodiesel blends, A 10% biodiesel blend shows the best engine performance in terms of engine torque and brake power.